LUX partnered with India’s largest paid streaming app MX Player to give the audience the power to call out these sexist scenes and also choose to end the movie when a woman’s appeal of ‘NO’ wasn’t heard or acted upon. We showed that the power to not watch content beyond this point resided with the audience themselves.The campaign had massive impact on the platform as the prevalence of sexist content was highlighted and effective intervention was made possible across a large number of movies and scenes.1498 ‘The End’ credits across movies were carried out as an intervention to different types of sexist content. These were used across 3000 movies. We even invited consumers to send us their list of sexist scenes and the ends were created for those scenes.More than 228 million people were reached on MX Player through the campaign.The male user base of over 170 million were reached on MX Player. Our campaign generated $640,000 worth in free PR coverage to 256 million people.The campaign was covered across leading publications not just in India, but also in countries such as USA, UK, Hong Kong, France, UAE, Singapore, Qatar, Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia.