Miroslav Krustev
Art Director at reforma
Sofia, Bulgaria
TitleOpen your wild
BriefChucky's Coffee&Culture - the 6th best coffee house in Europe - has become a hub for young creative locals and opinion leaders. A big part of Chucky’s business is selling their own special selections of coffee blends for home usage. When Chucky’s planned their new selection, we had to make the packaging appealing to those same urban jungle lovers.We’ve chosen 12 exotic wild animals, according to the specific origin of every coffee blend, and showed their inner power, expressed through their eyes. Purposefully using a direct eye contact with the animals, we keep the viewer engaged with the label, just as the coffee keeps you on point.Chucky’s believes that coffee is not just a tool for waking up - it allows you to show your full potential, it gives you power, it gives you countless possibilities to be free, to be you, to be wild - to Open your wild.
Campaign Open your wild
Advertiser Chucky's Coffee&Culture
Brand Chucky's Coffee&Culture

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PostedNovember 2019
Business SectorSubscribers Only
StorySubscribers Only
Media Type Packaging Design
Creative Director G...gi T...ov Subscribers Only
Art Director Mi....av K....ev Subscribers Only
Copywriter D....ra Mi....va Subscribers Only

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