I am a comedy director working on commercials and short films.
How did you get into this job?
I started as a pop photographer, then was asked to direct some music video's and then the ball started to roll in this direction.
What is most challenging about what you do?
To make it funny, really funny.
What is most rewarding?
If the film is still funny after seeing it 10 times.
What’s a typical work week like?
A lot behind my computer and lot on the road.
What needs to happen the most in order for a shoot to run smoothly?
Get all discussions out before you start.
Whats your best job/worst job?
The best jobs are if I can make it my own and built it up together with the people I work with. The worse jobs are if the script is not good from the start. A good film always starts with a good idea in my opinion.
What advice would you offer someone considering a career as a Director?
Don't think to much. Just make stuff and stop complaining.
If you had one project that you could post on AdForum to represent your work, what would it be?
My short film: Ringo Rocket Star and his song for Yuri Gagarin
Finally tell us something that most people don’t know about being a Director?