Evaan Miocevich
Head of Client Service at Dentsu Creative
Auckland, New Zealand
TitleThe Good Choice
Campaign Good Mood ID
Advertiser Suntory Water Group
Brand Good Mood
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2017 / 5
Business Sector Fruit Juices & Drinks
Philosophy Singapore independent agency Arcade has created two mini action films to promote ‘Good Mood’, a new fruit-infused water by Japanese beverage-maker Suntory. The agency teamed up with award-winning director Christoph Chrudimak to make two short films based on two different scenarios: a good day and a bad day. Targeted at the Indonesian market, the two films show the same young male protagonist and chronicle the chain of events that follow him through two very different days. The ‘bad day’ film, entitled ‘The Bad Choice’, runs in reverse chronology, opening on an apocalyptic scene and transporting the viewer through a series of catastrophic events. The protagonist it taken back to a shop where he made the ‘bad choice’ of picking another beverage over ‘Good Mood’. To follow up the video, viewers are then invited to click onto ‘The Good Choice’ film.
Result The ‘Good Choice’ film follows the same protagonist through the exact same day, where locations and characters are mirrored, but the chain of events is dramatically different. The campaign will run across television, cinema, online, outdoor and social media.
Media Type Television & Cinema
Art Director
Business Director
Account Director
Agency Producer
Agency Producer
Production Company
Music Composition

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