Kathy McGuire
General Manager at Cossette
Toronto, Canada
TitleThis Job Can Break You
Campaign This Job Will Break You
Advertiser National Advertising Benevolent Society
Brand National Advertising Benevolent Society (NABS)
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2021 / 10
Business Sector Disease Awareness, Support Groups & Associations
Story This past year has forced us to face uncomfortable truths about our industry, specifically around the tremendous pressure and workload that leave many people feeling stressed, depressed, and anxious. In recognition of World Mental Health Day on October 10, nabs and Cossette have teamed up to launch a film that helps heighten awareness about the resources available through nabs, and aims to erase the stigma around mental health within the advertising industry.
Philosophy The film features Crumbles, a simple cracker who understands what it’s like to crumble under pressure. As a loveable voice of reason, Crumbles is here to remind us that our passion, productivity, and dedication to the job doesn’t need to be sacrificed at the expense of our mental health and wellbeing.
Problem This past year has forced us to face uncomfortable truths about our industry, specifically around the tremendous pressure and workload that leave many people feeling stressed, depressed, and anxious.
Result With this digital campaign, nabs hopes to start a much-needed conversation that encourages the industry to come together to tackle these challenges head on.
Media Type Digital
Soundtrack This Job Can Break You [original song]
Advertising Manager
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Executive Creative Director
Creative Director
Creative Director
Production Company Producer
Strategy Director
Group Business Director
General Manager
Production Company
Executive Producer
Line Producer
Director of Photography (DOP)
3D Artist
Music Composer
Music Composer
Model Making
Character Design
On Set VFX Supervisor
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Executive Producer
Editing Company
Executive Producer
Production Company Producer
Assistant Editor
Sound Design Company
Music Director
Production Company Producer
Music Composer


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