Daniel Payan
Chief Creative Officer at Wunderman Thompson, Bogotá
Bogotá, Colombia
TitleWaterlight: The clean energy revolution is here
BriefUsing renewable energy like saltwater, Waterlight sparks an innovative global solution for communities without access to electricity.As well as functioning as a portable lamp – half a liter of saltwater placed in the device provides an incredible 45 days of light – WaterLight is also capable of charging small appliances such as a cell phone or a radio via a USB port. Perfectly suited to seawater, the device also responds to freshwater mixed with salt and even – in emergency situations – urine.WaterLight’s groundbreaking application harnesses the power of ionization, a simple scientific reaction whereby salt-water electrolytes react with the magnesium on the inside of the device, producing electrical energy.WaterLight, is a revolutionary device that turns a simple natural resource into life-changing electrical power.
Campaign Waterlight: The clean energy revolution is here
Advertiser E-Dina
Brand Waterlight
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2021 / 4
Business Sector Batteries (Except Car Batteries), Light Bulbs
Story Wunderman Thompson Colombia and renewable energy start-up E-Dina collaborated on WaterLight – a revolutionary device that can transform half a liter of salt water into an incredible 45 days of light.
E-Dina and Wunderman Thompson Colombia turned to the Wayúu, whose access to electricity is limited, but are surrounded by arid desert terrain that turns out to be the most powerful battery in the world – the sea. With WaterLight, the Wayúu can transform this abundant natural resource into a safe, sustainable way to power their lives, from night fishing to charging mobile phones, without the need to travel for miles, creating a sense of connection within the community and to the wider world.
Philosophy Electricity provides economic opportunity and quality of life. Fisherman can’t fish at night; kids must do their homework by candlelight – which can cause fires; artisans can’t craft at night to fill their orders, and mobile phones cannot be charged.
We connected with the age-old traditions of the Wayúu, an indigenous community living on the remote La Guajira peninsula straddling the Colombia and Venezuela border
Problem According to the World Health Organization, at least 840 million people around the world are without access to electricity, hindering their ability to work beyond daylight hours, carry out essential tasks and stay connected to the wider world. With electricity demand expected to increase by 70% by 2035, and traditional fossil fuels estimated to be depleted in the next 52 years, a solution is urgently needed.
Media Type Product Design/Development
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