Lanre Adisa
Chief Creative Officer at Noah's Ark Communications, Lagos
Lagos, Nigeria
TitleJokes on you 3
Campaign World mental health day
Advertiser AVON HMO
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2023 / 10
Business Sector Hospitals, Healthcare facilities & Medical Services
Story World Mental Health Day is an opportunity for people and communities to unite in service to raising awareness and driving actions that promote and protect mental health, but unfortunately in our clime, mental health is usually regarded with derision. By depicting how mocking people with mental illnesses ultimately reflects negatively on the jester, we aimed to encourage self-reflection in our audience by prompting them to think about their own behaviours and attitudes, encouraging them to reevaluate their biases and do better.
Media Type Print
Chief Creative Officer
Executive Creative Director
Creative Director
Deputy Creative Director
Art Director
Art Director
Art Director

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