Agnès Rico
Advertising Manager at Syndic. de la Presse Quot./Minist. de la Culture
Saint Denis, France
TitleWild Boar
Title (original language)Sanglier (anglais)
Campaign My given newspaper - Presse quotidienne / Ministère de la culture et de la communication
Advertiser Syndic. de la Presse Quot./Minist. de la Culture
Brand Synd. de la presse quot. / Minis. de la Culture
PostedJanuary 2010
Product My given newspaper
Product (original language) Mon journal offert
Business Sector Institutional/Public Interest/Non-Profit Org.
Tagline You see you do enjoy reading the daily press. So keep it up
Tagline (original language) Vous voyez que vous aimez lire la presse quotidienne. Alors continuez
Story "How do we give young people a taste for reading newspapers ? In order to find a solution to this issue, the three syndicates of the national, regional and local daily press proposed an original operation “My Free Newspaper”, with the support of the Ministry of Culture & Communication. The idea was to give young people a taste for reading by offering any young person between 18 and 24 who might be interested a free copy of the paper of their choice (from among 59 daily-press titles), one day a week for a whole year (offer limited to 200,000subscriptions)"
Media Type Web Film
Market France
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