Hercules Florence
Copywriter at FabraQuinteiro
São Paulo, Brazil
Title (original language)Avião
Campaign Papers - Epson
Brand Epson
PostedDecember 2007
Product Stylus C87
Business Sector Printers & Scanners
Story The ad shows a boy transforming his airplane of trick paper into a real airplane with his imagination.
Story (original language) o anúncio mostra um garoto transformando seu avião de papel de brincadeira num avião real da sua imaginação.
Philosophy Show images where sheets of paper illustrate the possibilities of the consumers' imagination in that they can transform prints into objects by using creativity in a playful and graphical way.
Philosophy (original language) Mostrando imagens onde folhas de papel ilustram as possibilidades da imaginação dos consumidores se transformando nos objetos de sua criatividade de uma maneira lúdica e gráfica.
Problem To launch a new concept for Epson that goes beyond the beauty and quality of the prints by showing the consumer can use their imagination to create incredible images with Epson products.
Problem (original language) lançar um novo conceito da Epson que além de mostrar a beleza e qualidade de impressão estimula o consumidor a usar sua imaginação para criar imagens incriveis com os produtos epson.
Media Type Print
Market Brazil
Creative Director
Art Director
Agency Producer
3D Graphics
Account Director

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