Carlos Schleder
Creative Executive Director at
São Paulo, Brazil
Campaign Rocky
Advertiser Fiat
Brand Fiat
PostedMay 2007
Product Palio 1.8R
Business Sector Cars
Tagline He got stronger
Story Inspired by the movie "Rocky", the film reproduces classical scenes from the boxer’s workout routine, but instead of the “Italian stud”, we see the performance of the Palio 1.8 R – vehicle targeted to the public that enjoys sports cars, with a more powerful engine and accessories typical of a Tuning car. The soundtrack is from the movie, with copyrights acquired from Sony.
Story (original language) O filme é inspirado no longa "Rocky, o Lutador". Reproduz cenas clássicas dos treinos intensos do boxeador, mas no lugar do "garanhão italiano" vemos o desempenho do Palio 1.8 R - veículo destinado ao público que gosta de carro esportivo, com motor mais potente e itens de série dignos de um carro Tunning. A trilha é a mesma do filme com direitos adquiridos da Sony.
Media Type Television
Market Brazil
Creative Director
Agency Producer
Agency Producer
Account Executive
Account Director
Art Director
Production Company
Sound Design Company

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