Maud Ampollini
Advertising Manager at Nestlé Waters
Paris, France
TitleContrex Portal
Title (original language)Portail Contrex
Campaign The Woman's Day is 365 days a year - Nestlé Contrex
Advertiser Nestlé Waters
Brand Contrex
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2008 / 3
Business Sector Mineral, Sparkling & Bottled Waters
Tagline For Contre, the Woman's Day is 365 days a year.
Tagline (original language) Pour Contrex la Journée de la Femme c'est 365 jours par an
Story Campaign made by Dad, digital label of the agency Australie
Story (original language) Campagne réalisée par Dad, label digital de l'agence Australie
Media Type Web Site
Market France
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