Tell us a bit about yourself and your current role.
I'm ECD of The&Partnership's Europe operation. At the moment that mainly means looking after the creative output of our relationship with Toyota across 16 European markets — from Finland to France (...and obviously the UK as well).
How would you describe the culture of London?
I'm going to borrow someone else's words for this (I'm still an art director at heart, so it's allowed.) London '...is not a melting pot but a beautiful mosaic. Different people, different beliefs, different yearnings, different hopes, different dreams.' It wasn't written specifically with this city in mind, but I think it beautifully captures the vibe of the city.
In what ways does the city of London inspire you? London is a hotspot for so many young talents and industry leaders. What has contributed to that? What would you say is the most unique aspect London offers agencies?
I'd wrap all of these questions into one and it follows from the observation above. In my view, creativity happens at the intersection of different fields, cultures and industries and that’s exactly what London offers. This diversity of opinions, talent and circumstances increases the likelihood of 'happy accidents' and ultimately makes it easier for individuals to say what they really think! Wherever you can get both independence of opinion and a constant flow of ideas will become a natural habitat for creative people and innovation.
What is your favourite hidden-gem in London?
Not sure how hidden it is, as it’s always pretty busy, but I love escaping to the BFI Café on the Southbank. Nice sofas, nice coffee, nice food, the Coke comes with ice and lemon as it should be and there’s always the great film book shop and library at hand for a quick burst of inspiration. Plus, the consistently great film programme curated by the BFI team, combined with the proximity to the river for a refreshing walk, makes for a compelling creative getaway — I think I’m gonna head there right now, actually…
If you could change something about London, what would it be?
A state imposed cap on house prices. The main danger creativity faces in this city is cost of living. It’s getting harder and harder for young people to afford it, which means they’ve started looking elsewhere (like Lisbon, my home town) to build their creative careers. Then, on a more selfish note, air conditioning on the tube and train.