Alexandra Duarte
Creative Director at DDB Portugal
Lisboa, Portugal
TitleChinese Shadows
Title (original language)Sombras Chinesas
Campaign Social Help
Advertiser Associação de Mulheres Contra a Violência
Brand AMCV
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2010 / 11
Business Sector Anti-Domestic Violence, Sexual Abuse
Tagline How long are you going to continue to watch this show ?
Philosophy Many Portuguese homes are the stage for domestic violence. An unacceptable show in no way suitable for children and tragically, the final act is very often, death. Domestic violence is the fourth most registered crime in Portugal. Watching all this in silence is to turn a blind eye to the violence, it is being a puppet in the hands of the aggressor. Speak out against domestic violence. Don¹t be part of the audience, be part of the solution.
Media Type Print
Creative Director
Art Director
Post Production
Post Production

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