Filip Nilsson
Director at Folke film
Paris, France
TitleEsmail and Mohammad
Campaign Reunite old friends
Advertiser Löfbergs Lila
Brand Lofbergs
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2013 / 9
Business Sector Coffee, Tea, Chocolate Drinks, Breakfast Drinks
Story In 2007, Esmail and Mohammad became instant Internet Celebrities. Their silent headbanging video was spread around the globe and became a viral success. Löfbergs reunited them six years later to re-create the exact same scene – a few pounds heavier, but wearing the same minimalistic swim trunks. 
Philosophy To launch the integrated campaign, three authentic home videos with memorable meetings from 1993, 1994 and 2007 were selected and recreated featuring the exact same people. These emotionally saturated meetings resulted in three TVC:s that are far from industry standard for coffee commercials. 
In its latest integrated campaign, Swedish coffee brand Lofbergs celebrates the special bond only found between longtime friends, with the ambition to inspire thousands of reunions throughout the large and sparsely populated country. 
Media Type Web Film
Creative Director
Production Company
Post Production
Advertising Manager

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