Eric Forest
Managing Partner at Publicis Conseil
Paris, France
TitleLive in Very High Speed Broadband
Title (original language)Vivons en très haut débit
Campaign Live in very high speed broadband
Advertiser Orange
Brand Orange
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2013 / 4
Product 4G#1
Product (original language) 4G#1
Business Sector Telecommunications Services
Tagline (original language) la vie change avec Orange
Story In a  small stadium -with terraces almost deserted, a father films his son with his smartphone. Suddenly, in a beautiful movement ; the young boy takes a bicycle kick. The dad  sends te move to his other son who circulates the film on Dailymoton. The images are shared everywhere by 4G in a very short time in a great process. Whne the ball falls to the ground after the move , there is an atmosphere of a world cup final in a stadium overrun with fans. At the end of th efilm, a sign invites you to discover 
Story (original language) Un petit stade de foot avec des gradins presque déserts. Un papa filme son fils avec son smartphone. Soudain, un très beau geste : le jeune garçon tente un ciseau retourné. Le père, qui n’en revient pas, envoie le geste à son autre fils qui fait circuler le film sur Dailymotion. Les images du garçon se partagent alors partout en 4G, dans un temps très court, dans un parcours fantastique. Si bien que quand le jeune footballeur retombe sur le sol après son geste, c’est dans une ambiance de finale de coupe du monde dans un stade envahi de fans. A la fin du film, un panneau invite à aller découvrir 
Media Type Television & Cinema
Creative Director
Account Manager
Director Of Communication
Director Of Communication Strategies and Plans
Director of Publicity
Digital Manager
Production Manager
Creative Director
Associate Creative Director
Art Director
Art Director
Associate Art Director
Associate Art Director
Account Manager
Account Manager
Account Manager
Account Manager
Account Manager
Account Manager
Production Company
Agency Producer
Agency Producer
Post Production
Post Production
Post Production
Director of Photography (DOP)
Post-production sound
Post-production sound
Music Composer
Music Composer
Business Affairs
Business Affairs
Business Affairs
Business Affairs

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