Torsten Rieken
Creative Director at McCann Berlin
Berlin, Germany
TitleLove Affair
Campaign The Future of the Automobile - Mercedes
Advertiser DaimlerChrysler
Brand Mercedes-Benz
PostedJuly 2000
Product E-Class 4-matic
Product (original language) Klasse-E 4-Matic
Business Sector Full Size & DeLuxe Cars
Tagline The future of automobile.
Tagline (original language) Die Zukunft des Automobils
Story A woman invites her lover over, believing her husband can't make it home in a snowstorm. Meanwhile, the husband battles his way to his girlfriend's house. Super : the E-Class. Now with four-wheel drive.
Story (original language) Eine Frau lädt seinen Liebhaber ein. Sie glaubt, dass sein Mann wegen einem Schneesturm nicht züruck zu Hause kann. Ausserdem kommt endlich der Mann an.
Media Type Television
Production Company
Executive Creative Director
Executive Creative Director
Art Director
Agency Producer
Production Company
Music Company / Composer
Production Company Producer
Advertising Manager
Account Executive

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