Joshua Brandau
Business Development Manager at Brandau Marketing, Inc.
Holiday, United States
TitleGodiva Holiday 2015
Campaign It's More Than Just Chocolate
Advertiser Godiva
Brand Godiva
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2015 / 11
Business Sector Chocolate
Tagline It's More Than Just Chocolate
Story Ahead of the holidays, Pereira & O'Dell launches "It's more than just chocolate" for Godiva. This is the agency's first campaign for the premium global chocolatier. The warm red and gold tones tout Godiva’s perfectly packaged chocolates in its signature Ballotin box. Original typography mimics that of a pastry chef.
In addition to in-store displays at Godiva retail shops, Macy's, and Barnes & Noble, Pereira & O'Dell is bringing the holiday effort to life through digital advertising, content and influencer partnerships. 
Media Type POS Visibility
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