Christophe Navarre
Director at Quad
Paris, France
Title (original language)Les Acrobates
Campaign Positive Generation - Wanadoo
Advertiser Wanadoo
Brand Wanadoo
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2003 / 3
Business Sector Internet Service Providers
Tagline Positive Generation
Problem Wanadoo, the French leader of the Internet, is launching a new campaign of three films aimed at the "Positive Generation", which is the signature of the brand developed in July 2002 by CLM/BBDO. Each film is based on the importance of the use of Internet and in particular the Broadband Internet: music, online games and communication. The film which is presented is "Acrobats": the communication.
Problem (original language) Wanadoo, le leader français de l'internet, lance une nouvelle campagne de trois films toujours à destination de la "Positive Génération", la signature de la marque développée en juillet 2002 par CLM/BBDO. Chacun des films s'appuie sur un usage porteur d'internet et notamment de l'Internet Haut-Débit : la musique, le jeu en ligne et la communication. Le film présenté est "les acrobates" : la communication.
Media Type Television
Market France
Soundtrack Heroes
Sound Design Company
Production Company
Advertising Manager
Creative Director
Creative Director
Creative Director
Art Director
Account Director
Agency Producer
Account Director

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