Greg Bell
Director at Red Studios
New York, United States
TitleNo Distractions
Campaign No Distractions
Advertiser Currys
Brand Currys
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2024 / 5
Business Sector Drugstores, Specialty Stores
Philosophy With the summer tournaments season looming, the UK’s largest tech retailer, Currys unveils a new campaign ensuring customers they will get the best tech advice amidst the football frenzy. Teaming up with AMV BBDO and Spark Foundry, Currys showcases the lengths its expert colleagues go to avoid football distractions, whilst assisting customers in choosing the perfect TV for what is set to be a nail-biting summer of sport.

Under the “Beyond Techspectations” platform, the “No Distractions” campaign spotlights Currys colleagues’ ingenious methods of sidestepping football fever to offer unparalleled guidance to shoppers seeking top-of-the-line Samsung, LG, or Hisense models.

The campaign includes three ads of 30 and 20 seconds, each illustrating a Currys colleague’s comical endeavours to stay football-free. From sporting giant cartoon eye mask, to donning human-sized dog cones, to turning a head 180 degrees like an owl when a customer changes the channel to the football, the antics are as hilarious as they are effective in showcasing Currys' commitment to customer service. The films were directed by Greg Bell through Red Studios.

The campaign is set to roll out across TV and online video platforms emphasising Currys' unbeatable offer: a chance to win a guaranteed cash reward ranging from £25 to £100k with the purchase of any TV over £499. For more information, visit .
Media Type Television
Production Company
Offline Editing
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