Title | Action Movie |
Brief | To appeal to music,TV, and movie fans, the agency wrote scripts for three popular genres (action film, soap opera and German pop) and jumbled up their words. This resulted in spots as messy as a piece of furniture you try to build by yourself. The result was a campaign that amused and confused listeners in equal measure. Until the Ikea assembly service appeared to put the commercials back in the right order. |
Agency | Grabarz & Partner |
Campaign | Furniture Assembly. The radio campaign for Ikea. |
Advertiser | IKEA |
Brand | IKEA |
Posted | November 2019 |
Business Sector | Subscribers Only |
Story | Subscribers Only |
Media Type | Radio |
Chief Creative Officer | R..f H...l Subscribers Only |
Creative Director | R...n J....on Subscribers Only |
Concept | R...n J....on Subscribers Only |
Creative Director | J....us R...c Subscribers Only |
Concept | J....us R...c Subscribers Only |
Account Manager | Do.....ue B...er Subscribers Only |
Recording Studio | S...io F..k G..H .o .G Subscribers Only |
Sound Engineer | T....en He....gs Subscribers Only |
Casting | C....en B...in Subscribers Only |
Director | T....en He....gs Subscribers Only |
Director | R...n J....on Subscribers Only |
Agency Producer | J...th U...au Subscribers Only |
PR Communication Manager | T...as V...er Subscribers Only |
Marketing Manager | N..a S�.....und Subscribers Only |
Music | k..s .n . c...y s...e Subscribers Only |
Music Composer | T...as B...er Subscribers Only |
Music Composer | J...an P....�en Subscribers Only |
Narrator | J...s Be.....öm Subscribers Only |
Narrator | Ca....ne Ki......ter Subscribers Only |
Narrator | A....as To.....en Subscribers Only |