Bizum - "Spanish Association Against Cancer by Treintayseis" by PHNX Awards 2024

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TitleSpanish Association Against Cancer by Treintayseis
Campaign Numbers that matter
Advertiser Bizum
Brand Bizum
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2023 / 4
Product Fintech
Business Sector Online Financial Service
Story Bizum is the most widespread service in Spain for instant person-to-person payments. Everyone uses it, especially young people. However, what many people may not know is that Bizum also offers an equally fast service for making donations to hundreds of NGOs. To communicate this to their heavy users, the young audience, the brand chose to approach them through something they love: graphic design and art. This gave rise to "Números que importan" (Numbers that matter), an initiative by Bizum that transformed the donation codes of the country's most important entities and NGOs into eight posters designed by seven artists or collectives from various fields of graphic design, illustration, typography, AI-generated images, or 3D. The Artists were: Mercedes Bellido, Javier Arrés, Víctor Bregante, D.A.Q, Treintayseis, Lorena G, Ausias Pérez. And they created artworks for NGOs such as: Greenpeace, The Red Cross, the Spanish Association Against Cancer or the Spanish Federation of Food Banks. All of them were given creative freedom to create the numbers with any style and technique, and to conceptualize each proposal graphically. To achieve maximum impact on the audience, a highly minimalist layout was chosen, giving all the spotlight to the artists' creations. It includes the logos of the brand and the corresponding entity, a call-to-action for donation, and the name of the creator of each piece. These pieces were turned into posters that were displayed through wild posting in the major cities of the country (Barcelona, Madrid, Seville, Bilbao, and Valencia) and as backlit out-of-home (OOH) displays in clubs and bars in these cities. Additionally, four of them graced the cover of the country's most important trends magazine, Yorokobu, in an action that removed the magazine's logo from the header for the first time in its history. The Results. The results where impressive, achieving: 9 million impacts on the street and on social media. 13,000 interactions with the content. 300 impressions. And the most important: 427,172 donations. €17,088,788.97 donated.
Media Type Print
Client Lorena Poza, Fernando Rodríguez, Teresa de Arce and Celia Vargas
General Manager Jesús Ovejero
CCO Antonio Pacheco
HEAD OF ART Bruno Bueno
COPYWRITER Nani Albéniz,
ACCOUNT MANAGER Angy Suñer, Candela de la Breña
Video production Pablo Márquez and Nuria Salgado.
Design Irene Mansilla and Adrián Arribas.
Social Media Laura Jado, MC Rodríguez, Carmen Jiménez.
Media Lucio Arozamena, Silvia Estévez and Núria Fernández.
Artists Treintayseis, D.A.Q, Mercedes Bellido, Ausias Pérez, Javier Arrés, Victor Bregante, Lorena G