1 in 3 children in Spain are overweight or obese. 9/10 parents of these obese kids are unaware of the issue. Each child in Spain consumes an average of 33.4kg of sugar per year, the equivalent to their own body weight, giving Spain the 2nd highest rate of sugar consumption in the UE. Spanish Ministry of Consumer Affairs wanted to change this issue by launching a new regulation to reduce its consumption. However, there was engrained social, economic and political opposition to this policy. The ministry needed to create a social u-turn in public opinion if this new regulation was to be approved. Collecting data from medical research, we found a direct correlation between the high sugar consumption rates among Spanish children and the percentile tables from the WHO. That is - each Spanish child eats their own body weight in sugar every year. To visualize the size of this problem, we created a collection of life-size children's eye-catching sculptures made with the exact amount of sugar they eat each year -33.4kg-. We then placed the sculptures it in one of the most family friendly and crowded public areas in Spain and invited media, press and parents and lobby groups to the sculptures.