Title | The Cry (196s) |
Title (original language) | L'Appel (196s anglais) |
Brief | La campagne met en scène la complainte de différents animaux face à l’indifférence humaine. Un film bouleversant dans lequel les animaux se retrouvent unis par un même cri de désespoir. |
Agency | Altmann+Partners |
Campaign | The Cry |
Advertiser | Fondation 30 Millions d'Amis |
Brand | Fondation 30 Millions d'Amis |
Date of First Broadcast/Publication | 2021 / 11 |
Business Sector | Animal Rights/Safety/Adoption |
Story | The campaign features various animals in pain facing the brutality of human indifference. A moving film in which all animals find themselves united by the same cry of despair. |
Media Type | Television |
Length | |
Creative Director | Olivier Altmann |
Copywriter | Jack Roman |
Art Director | Charles Schiepan |
Agency Producer | Jessica Piergiovanni |
Account Manager | Claire Roy-Thermes |
Account Manager | Clément Bouhana |
Account Manager | Germain Noel |
Strategic Planner | Celine Chouéri |
Strategic Planner | Jessica Haton |
Strategic Planner | Pauline Gibert |
Director | Bruno Aveillan |
Production Company | Quad Productions |