EKOTOPFILM - "Petroela Swan" by PIAF 2018

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TitlePetroela Swan
BriefPollution may have a dramatic effect on plants and animals in the future. But how to warn people about the potential impact of their behaviour? The solution was to create TV commercials featuring two different animals of the future: the Petrolea Swan and the Field Smogster. The Petrolea Swan can consume plastic and resist oil spills; while the Field Smogster has a snout that can filter out air pollution. Unless we change our nature, their is no beauty at the end of evolution.
Campaign There Is No Beauty at the End of Evolution

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PostedNovember 2017
Business SectorSubscribers Only
StorySubscribers Only
ProblemSubscribers Only
Media Type Television
Art Director J...s K....ek Subscribers Only
Creative Director P...r R...ak Subscribers Only
Copywriter P...r R...ak Subscribers Only