Nova - "Allir úr!" by Art Directors Club of Europe 2021

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TitleAllir úr!
Campaign Allir úr!
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PostedDecember 2021
Business SectorSubscribers Only
PhilosophySubscribers Only
Media Type Television
Creative Director ..�n ..i He....on Subscribers Only
Art Director D..ra Har.......ttir Subscribers Only
Copywriter B...i Sk....son Subscribers Only
Designer ..�n I..i Ei.....on Subscribers Only
Designer Be....nd Gun.......ttir Subscribers Only
Designer ..�n P..ll Ha......sson Subscribers Only
Director of Photography (DOP) ..ór El....son Subscribers Only
Director �..�ra Hil.......ttir Subscribers Only
Graphic Artist Þ.....dur Gu.....son Subscribers Only
Agency Producer K....ín A...ea Þ�......dóttir Subscribers Only
Production Company S..t Pr......ons Subscribers Only
Photographer � Ein......ttir Subscribers Only
Account Manager Si....ður Th....óra Pé......�ttir Subscribers Only
Creative Strategy A...r Ha......son Subscribers Only