Amis des Aveugles - "Amis des Aveugles Rebranding" by Epica Awards 2023

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TitleAmis des Aveugles Rebranding
BriefSince 1884, the association Amis des Aveugles / Vrienden der Blinden has cared for the blind and visually impaired in Belgium. Our objective was manifold: to create a strong, timeless, fluid, and coherent identity across all touchpoints (internal documents, social networks, signage, business cards, activity report, posters, etc.). This visual identity - due to the nature of the association - had to be readable and easy to use by the many people working in the organisation and its multiple departments which also include visually impaired workers. We have also used forms that are easy to decode. Two circles inspired by Braille, which are versatile in that they can contain images to show the actions of the association and to convey emotion. Two circles that form a symbol representing all parties involved. On the one hand, donors, families, guide dog trainers, and people from the association. On the other hand, blind and visually impaired people. All united around visual impairments.
Campaign Amis des Aveugles Rebranding
Advertiser Amis des Aveugles (Friends of the Blind)
Brand Amis des Aveugles

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