Daming Palace - "Ladies of Tang Dynasty (134s)" by Epica Awards 2023

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TitleLadies of Tang Dynasty (134s)
BriefThe inspiration for Ladies of the Tang Dynasty comes from the Tang Dynasty paintings Court Ladies Preparing Newly Woven Silk and Ladies Playing Double. The studio drew on the hairstyles and lip colours seen in the paintings, as well as the striking makeup style that gradually fades from yellow to red. These were turned into abstract geometric shapes, which formed the basis of unique letterforms and hundreds of abstract illustrations. The illustrations were integrated into various formats and materials from posters to T-shirts to tea cups.
Campaign Ladies of Tang Dynasty
Advertiser Daming Palace
Brand Daming Palace

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Date of First Broadcast/Publication Subscribers Only
Business SectorSubscribers Only
StorySubscribers Only
Media Type Case Study
Creativity and Design Company ..e N..e Sh....ai Subscribers Only
Chief Creative Officer J..y X...g Subscribers Only
Creative Director J..y X...g . C....ey ..a Subscribers Only
Art Director J..y X...g . C....ey ..a Subscribers Only
Designer J..y X...g . C....ey ..a . ..m C..m . G..g C....in Subscribers Only
Designer ..o J..n . ..n Z....fu . .u .o . R....ne ..u Subscribers Only
Illustrator J..y X...g . C....ey ..a . D..g W....ng Subscribers Only
Typographer J..y X...g . C....ey ..a Subscribers Only
Photographer ..u J...ao Subscribers Only
Brand Communications Manager C...g Y...n . W..g S...u . W..g C....fu Subscribers Only